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Q: Pinlee just opened a caf and and wants to set up a website that would allow local customers to order her desserts online. She told one of her friends that she needed a management information syste?
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Pinlee just opened a caf and eacute and wants to set up a website that would allow local customers to order her desserts online. She told one of her friends that she needed a management information sy?

pinlee is mistaken because she really needs a transaction processing system to perform this task

Why is it important to offer customers accurate information on special offers and promotions?

This is important because if the customers tell their friends, it will make your franchise business well known and more popular which will give you better business!

Where can I find more information about sports management degrees?

Check colleges or universities. They usually have the info. If not, have you tried asking friends who have degrees in sports management? I'm sure it will help you.

How would one get their degree in management?

First do some research about schools that are known for management degrees. Give them a phone call and leave them a name asking for more information, and ask your friends and family.

What two things did Rachel combine in her two desserts on Friends?

Rachel ends up making a dessert that is a combination of a trifle and a shepherd's pie

Where could one find more information on service management?

Service recovery is the series of actions that a company takes after a customer has had a bad experience. The best place to find more information would be to contact a business consultant who will be an expert on the steps that can be taken to maximize the chance that the dissatisfied customer can be recovered.

Of what benefit to business are satisfied customers?

satisfied customers are more likely to purchase products repeatedly. Furthermore, satisfied customers are more likely to relate positive word-of-mouth to friends and acquaintances

How can a customer relationship management system improve a digital firm information and data?

A customer relationship management system can improve a digital firms information and data in many ways. For example, if a company waits for a customer to complain about something, chances are it will be to late to save that customer from going elsewhere for their needs. If they look to keep their existing customers happy instead of spending money acquiring new business, members will advertise to their friends for free. A customer relationship system will provide customer care and service throughout the entire process, it will help the business to see where they are most profitable and help them continue to make money.

What does the phrase friends provident mean?

Friends provident means friends first and foremost. There are insurance companies called Friends Provident to show their customers they have love and care for them even though they probably do not.

What can benefit from time management?

good grades, more friends etc etc

How do businesses build relationships?

through dicsussions,meetings,conferences with friends ,customers and other business associates

Where can one find more information about love and friends?

You can find information about the United Kingdom dating website, love and friends at the official love and friends website.Once on the page, click the "About" link in the top navigation bar for more information.