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follow the rules

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Q: Is it more important to be liked or to follow the rules?
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Why is complexity an important factor in organizational structure?

Complexity can make access to information and support difficult Usually the size of the organisation affects it complexity the more big the organisation the more complex. greater degree of central control is usually emplyed and formal rules formulated to control bigger organistaions.

Why is human resources are more important than physical resources?

It is more important because without it, there would never be physical resources.

In what kind of company would the technical skills of top managers be more important than human relations or conceptual skills. Are there organizations in which conceptual skills are not important?

There isn't a set rule. Usually technical skills are more important when it comes to small business. This is because technical skills can draw in more customers.

Why is it important for a company to make its human resources into a competitive advantage and how can HR contribute to doing so?

It is important for a company to make its human resources into a competitive advantage because if your company has good human resources, you are able to to receive more and more customers. (more customers more revenue ) !!!! It will also make your company more likable.

It is more important to do what is strategically right than what is immediately profitable?

It is more important in the long term to do what is strategically right than what is immediately profitable. Doing what is immediately profitable can often lead to profit issues later.

Related questions

List 3 reasons why it is more important to be loyal than to follow the rules?

You can be Loyal to the rules

Is ethics the study of rules and regulations?

it's more the study of WHEN TO FOLLOW rules and regulations.

Why you need to follow correctly the rules of the game scrabble?

Because if you do not you will be accused of cheating and nobody will want to play with you. It is more fun if you follow the designed rules.

Why do you need to follow the rules in playing?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why some rules are more important than others?

some rules are more important because they are more serious like murdering someone is more serious then telling a lie to your parents.

Why do need to follow the rules when playing scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why do you need to follow the rules when playing scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why do you need to follow the rules in playing scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why do we need to follow correctly the rules of the game scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

What are the Buddhists rules?

All Buddhists follow the Four Noble truths. If you are looking for more specific rules, look at the Eightfold Path.

Is it more important to be liked than to ask for what you want?

It is far better to ask for what you want than to be liked. Life is too short to pretend.

The rules to follow when more than one operation is used in a numerical expression?

order of operations