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find to get professionalised answer. ..................people, and it is management's job to direct and coordinate these people. This is the leading function and one of the important factor of leading function is motivate his subordinates.

As a manager of well recognized company like TISCO, it is important to maintain graph of the business. To be a competitive in global market the higher production is one of the major part of the same. Which not only depend on the proper planning but also requires the well inputs from the employees mainly by low line workers.

Motivation in the workplace is essential for a good working environment. Different things motivate different people. Most people do work for money, many others work because they love their get full version of answer see
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Q: Imagine yourself as manager of TISCO Jamshedpur how will you motivate the employees to achieve more in production?
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How do you motivate yourself to do monotonous work?

It depends on the work that you are doing. If it is very important, for a job or school project, then you can motivate yourself by telling yourself that if you do a good job then you will be rewarded. If that doesn't work then think about how, for lack of a better word, pissed your boss / teacher will be if you do a bad job. And that you may fail or be fired, depending on what the project is for.

Difference between inspection and quality control in production management?

purchase a book and read it yourself :P must have heard HELP URSELF

How could motivation help to improve the productivity of the organization and obtained its objectives?

It takes more than just motivation to improve productivity. It takes seeing employees as human beings first, employees second. Trust from the employer and one deceitful act will cost the employer plenty in the end. My husband and I run a crew of over 30 men and that's how we work it. There is the odd one that will take advantage on a given situation, but on the whole it works very well. With those that take advantage they are hauled into my husband's office and given ultimatums .... consider yourself lucky, do your job or you're out the door. Kindness and sternness go well hand in hand. To motivate people you basically have to give them a goal and at the end of that goal there has always got to be a reward. This world is all about money and not much else so bonus' are well accepted or extra time off for a job well done. Many companies today don't really seem to care and will not treat their employees well. It's actually a very unintelligent way to run a business be it a small or large organization. If you don't treat the people working for you fairly then you lose productivity, loyalty and may lose some good people to other companies.

What do you call managing a store by yourself?

managing a store by yourself. or self management i guess.

Set yourself high standards at work?

When you establish high standards for yourself at work you can easily be promoted. Your manager will see and appreciate your work ethic.

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How do you motivate myself in a job?

You teach yourself English. Only you can motivate yourself.

Are there quick ways to build a sales force?

The quickest ways to build up a sales force is to first of all focus directly on hiring more employees. Do not fail to motivate yourself and your employees.

How can you use internal storytelling to motivate you?

By making yourself think positively

Is a great way to motivate yourself to succeed apex?

Setting goals

How can you motivate myself to do exercises daily?

If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you will want to motivate yourself to exercise daily. Give yourself small rewards such as going to the movies at the end of a week where you exercised daily.

How do you motivate yourself to find a job?

MONEY to buy stuff have fun and things.

What influences youth to make healthy choices?

Motivate yourself Only u can do it

How do you motivate yourself to do monotonous work?

It depends on the work that you are doing. If it is very important, for a job or school project, then you can motivate yourself by telling yourself that if you do a good job then you will be rewarded. If that doesn't work then think about how, for lack of a better word, pissed your boss / teacher will be if you do a bad job. And that you may fail or be fired, depending on what the project is for.

What is the best way to motivate yourself?

It depends on the person, different things motivate different people. So that person has to find out what makes them feel positive and push their best foot forward.

What is a great way to motivate youself to succeed?

A great way to motivate yourself is to think about why you want to succeed;what will success look like for you? Imagine it in your mind and then try working towards that goal.

What is it a great way motivate yourself to succeed?

Setting goals

How do you motivate yourself to become good at cycling?

Just remember you will died one day and think about it 😂