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A person can hold directorship in 15 companies earlier it was 20 companies.

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Q: How many companies a person can be a director in?
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Can one person become managing director of two companies?

No, the answer is clearly no because it will leak the company secrets to another company

What is a manging director?

He (she) is the senior person in a company, apart from the Chairman - though he can be both. In the UK, you cannot form a company, however small, unless there is a Managing Director and a Company Secretary, and these two must not be the same person.

Can a company appoint managing director and manager simultaneously?

Information provided by Legalpund = Can a Company appoint a Managing Director and a Manager at the same time? = No company can appoint or employ, at the same time, or, continue the appointment or, employment at the same time, of a Managing Director, as well as a Manager. But, there is no legal prohibition against having a Whole Time Director and Manager, simultaneously, or, Managing Director and whole-time Director, simultaneously. Again, there is no prohibition on a company having more than one Managing Director. This section applies to all companies, public and private. As per provisions of this section a company cannot apply both managing director and manager at the same time. The term " managing director" and "manager" has been defined in section 2(26) and 2(24) respectively. "managing director is a director who is entrusted with "substantial" powers of management which would not otherwise be exercisable by him. From the definition of managing director it appears that the company may entrust "substantial" power of management to one or more directors and therefore a company may have more than one managing director.Further the expression MANAGING DIRECTOR shall also include a director occupying the position of managing director, by whatever name called.For instance, President, CEO , chief operating officer, etc. in the case of MNCs shall be considered as the MANAGING DIRECTOR for the purpose of COMPANIES ACT, although they are not designated as such.

Difference between Managing director and Whole Time Director?

Managing Director means a director who by virtue of an agreement with the company or of a resolution passed by the company in general meeting or by its Board of Directors or by virtue of its memorandum or articles of association is entrusted with substantial powers of management which would not otherwise be exercisable by him. It includes a director occupying the position of managing director by whatever name called. Whole time director includes a director in the whole time employment of the company. A person who does not devote substantially the whole of his time to the company is not a whole time director. A whole time director is virtually a managing director though not so designated. A director in charge is also in the same position as a managing director. It has been held that a Managing director is a part of the company's Board of directors and not a servant of the company.

How do you find names of managing directors?

Go the google search and type who is the managing director of so and so company. for example who is the managing director of tata consultancy service? then you can get the answer of it. or, if you are searching for many managing directors name you should mention the field you want on the google search.. for example managing directors of IT companies in india then you will be getting the answer. thank you Answered By Revathy MBA

Related questions

In how many companies one person can be a director?

A person can be a board of director for more thane one company earlier it was 20 now it is reduced to 15 companies

How many number of companies can a person be director of at any one time in the United Kingdom?

One person may incorporate a United Kingdom private limited company and become its only shareholder and director. A director and shareholder must be named in the company registration papers. The director and shareholder may be the same person.Hope this helped...

What type of companies would require an accounting director associated with their firm?

Many companies would require an accounting director associated with their firm. Typically, any large companies of over 100 employees would have a separate accounting department, which would have a director.

Can one person become managing director of two companies?

No, the answer is clearly no because it will leak the company secrets to another company

What are the requirements to be a Director or Nominee in a OPC?

Only a natural person who is an Indian citizen and a resident in India is eligible to incorporate a One Person Company or be a nominee member. The Director or Nominee must also be over 18 years of age. A person can incorporate up to five One Person Companies.

How much payment get for director of company?

The payment you would get for being the director of a company would vary from each company. While many companies can afford to pay large salaries, other smaller companies cannot. The director of a company would be paid fairly based upon the income the company has.

Where can a person obtain new director chairs at a low cost?

Many companies are offering equipent like tabels and chairs for offices. There are many different kind of chairs and many differnt prices. But every company have differnet classes of director chairs so just go and look in any shop that sells chairs and ask for a low cost chair.

Can two companies have the same owner?

Yes, a single person/business can own many companies.

Where is the director role carried out?

the role of the director is the main person for a company

What do you call a person who directs?

Director or artistic director depending on their duties.

What is the person in an overall charge of the drama called?


How many movies are you going to make?

For a average person that is not in movie bis. 0 but for a director or producer 3to7