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Functionality system outputs, performance reliability and maintainability requirements are all put in place to affect quality planning. They help to aid in performance to make it better and more effective. Maintaining it keeps things in quality planning at a constant.

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Q: How do functionality system outputs performance reliability and maintainability requirements affect project quality?
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What is validity and reliability in human resource management?


Validity vs reliability?

Validity measures how well drawn a concept is, and how accurately it responds to the real world. Its effectiveness is measured by how close it comes to validating a measure that it claims to be able to measure. Reliability, on the other hand, posits the amount of consistency in the measurement.

What is quality in the context of TQM - Total Quality Management?

In business, particularly in manufacturing, total quality management is the focus on quality from start to finish in the business stream. The quality of materials coming in the door from which the company's products are made is reviewed, and there are standards for everything that is received. Work and product in the work stream are looked at to ensure quality (functionality and adherence to requirements) at each step. Final tests verify adherence to specifications and product reliability. The effectiveness of the sales force and the support team is also reviewed to ensure quality service. Total quality management has standards or other methods which measure the quality of materials, workmanship, life-cycle costs, products, and services at key points in the business process. Indices are put in place to foster continuous quality improvement throughout the entire process.

What tasks are performed by the DBMS application for managing data to ensure reliability and security?

data recivery and concurrency

What two function Managers should apply two principles to obtain accurate and useful cost functions?

reliability and validity

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How do functionality system outputs performance reliability and maintainability requirements affect quality planning?

Functionality system outputs, performance reliability and maintainability requirements are all put in place to affect quality planning. They help to aid in performance to make it better and more effective. Maintaining it keeps things in quality planning at a constant.

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