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By automating so many jobs that the people who are left unemployed can no longer afford pay for that businesses goods/services.

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Q: How can the use of information technology harm a business performance?
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What can happen to a company if confidential data is leaked?

First of all you have to be aware that there can be a large loss in revenue for your business. Most importantly, it can harm the reputation of your company in the marketplace.

How unhealthy employees cost an organization?

if the core competency or the baby boomers of the organization are not effective then they would pose hindrances to business growth. One should not forget that there is something called opportunity cost in business. The cost of opportunities foregone for making a decision regarding business is related to cost of task not undertaken. It can be compared with Go error and Drop Error which says that if you drop a favorable concept, it would harm your business and if you take up a wrong idea that would also be an error. SO as we see that if core competency is lacking then it may lead to unwanted opportunity loss for the organization on the whole. The ROI is bound to be low in such case.

How does contingent workforce management work?

Contingent workforce management involves reducing the cost of using independent contractors and reducing the risks of employing them. Companies strive to manage their contingent workforce without causing harm to themselves.

What can workforce management do for employees?

People who work for workforce management companies are hired to come in and help evaluate the productivity of certain companies. They may then recommend staff cuts that won't harm productivity and hopefully will save the company money.

What is BHP Billiton vision statement?

BHP Billiton strives to create long-term value through the discovery, development and conversion of natural resources, and the provision of innovative customer and market-focused solutions. BHP Billiton is committed to a long-term strategy of investing in low-cost, world-class, expandable and export -orientated operations that reflect diversification across markets and geographic regions. The objective at BHP Billiton is to be the company of choice by creating sustainable value for their contractors, employees, shareholders, suppliers, customers and business partners. BHP Billiton aspires to Zero Harm to people, their host communities and the environment and strives to achieve leading industry practice

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Does information technology do more good than harm to a country?

yes it does. through info-tech time and cost is save in communication and transportation.

Information technology has done more harm than good?

There are many good reasons for information technology. There are many bad reasons as well, there are more children on the computer and cell phones then outside playing, and adults getting mis information and lack of social outings.

What are sensitive documents?

Documents containing personal information about people and documents containing strategic or financial information about a business. Documents which if made public would harm or embarrass people.

What are the bad effect on technology?

causes harm to others...

Can the harm done to earth by technology be stopped?


Confidentiality is defined as safeguards data from being accessed by what individuals?

Confidentiality safeguards information and data from individuals who are not authorized. By limiting access, business protect proprietary information from people who can cause harm.

Why is skilled labor necessary in a business?

In a modern business, where high technology is applied with installation of sophisticated machineries, only skilled labor force can handle and properly maintain the same. It's the unskilled labors who will simply do more harm than job done properly and endanger self and the business as a whole.

Has technology done more good or harm for man kind?

I believe that that is a matter of opinion.

Is it ever the case that use of technology to change natural processes causes more harm than good?


What does foreign particles?

Something that is not meant to be there and generally causes harm or reduces performance.

What does foreign particles mean?

Something that is not meant to be there and generally causes harm or reduces performance.

What to do if employees performance appraisal is lost?

If an employee's performance appraisal is lost, there is not much you can do except to apologize to the employee and schedule some time to do it again. There is no harm in re-doing a performance appraisal, the only thing lost would be time. I believe that as you are going through it again, both the assessor and the employee will recall information from the previous appraisal which would help significantly.