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Influencing means getting individuals or groups to do what you want them to do without necessarily having formal authority to mandate an outcome from them. This is increasingly becoming an essential management skill in today's world. People no longer appreciate authoritative bosses and they tend to rebel or under perform if we try to exercise control on them. But, if we can influence them, then they will not only do what you want but also be happy about it. To exercise influence, you must understand the formal and informal structure of your organization. Again, you might need to use influencing when you are dealing with any aspect of the project-for example, controlling changes to the project, negotiating schedule or resource assignments, resolving conflicts, and so on.

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"Project manager" should be capitalized when it is used as a job title or precedes a name, for example, "Project Manager Smith." It should not be capitalized when used generically, such as "the project manager."

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There are many skills that a project manager should possess. Three soft skills these individuals should have include the ability to influence others, the ability to negotiate, and the ability to delegate. One hard skill that every project manager should have is strategic planning.

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