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explain how a firm's human resources influence its performance

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Q: How a firm's human resources influence organizational performance?
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How is a forecast of human resources demand related to a firms organizational planning?

they both have humans in them, but in my personal opinion you should do your homework instead of using the computer.

What is the most prevalent type of organizational structure for medium-sized and large firms?

Line and staff.

How a firms human resources influence performance?

In no special order: Constructively - by encouraging staff, treating them fairly, making everyone feel their personal contribution matters no matter how modest, helping them to overcome problems at work,encouraging suggestions for better efficiency or technical improvements, and helping to ensure fair rewards for good performance. Destructively - by favouritism,neglect,allowing attitudessuch as "them and us", ignoring bullying, stamping out "whistle-blowing", ignoring contstructive suggestions that may help the company.

How does HRM contribute to the performance of firms?

If you want to hire, fire, give a raise, promote, teach, train, or make a deicison about the human resourse in the firm, then that is where HRM helps in the performance of the firm. Training is a very important part of an employees empowerment and it is on the HRM department to deal with it.

Explain why project oriented firms require excess resource capacity?

In project oriented firms there is much more uncertainty about the timing of resource needs since the resources primarily move between projects rather than moving between projects and a functional department. Therefore, extra resource capacity is needed as a buffer given the greater level of uncertainty present.

Related questions

What is need for Management?

Management is the process of choosing and coordinating all available organizational resources to accomplish the firms goals and objectives. Without appropriate management of these resources, companies can not survive.

How is a forecast of human resources demands related to a firms organizational planning?

they both have humans in them, but in my personal opinion you should do your homework instead of using the computer.

How is a forecast of human resources demand related to a firms organizational planning?

they both have humans in them, but in my personal opinion you should do your homework instead of using the computer.

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You can compare the organizational structure and culture of two firms by examining the various management styles and promotional structure of the two different firms.

How the firms environmental performance is monitored?

A firms environmental performance is monitored either internally or by the environmental protection agency. Sometimes outside firms are hired to keep track of performance and report to the EPA.

What competitive environmental forces influence the firms strategy?

The competitive environmental forces influence the firms customers, rival firms, new entrants, substitutes, and supplies.

Why ratios is calculated?

To see the Firms Financial position Firms Performance Trend analysis

Which firms provide human resources recruiting?

There are many different firms that provide human resources recruiting. Included in these firms is Randstad USA, Hanold Associates, and The Christopher Group.

What is meant by resource immobility?

the inability of competing firms to obtain resources from other firms

What is the difference between resources and capabilities and why do you need both?

A firms resources identifies its capabilities. Resources are the productive assets owned by the firm and capabilities speak to what the firm can do with those resources. Why the firm needs them? Without resources the the firms capabilities are limited.

What is the most prevalent type of organizational structure for medium-sized and large firms?

Line and staff.

What is inter-organizational partnerships?

Inter-organizational partnerships refers to cooperation between different entities or firms. These partnerships may be aimed at making business much easier and successful.