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it doent necessary mean that because strategic planning process is just planning they are always open for suggestions and there is always a room for doesnt realy have an end to the ability to think and act in a creative manner because as we all live in an evolving world we came across things that we normaly dnt think they can be useful.

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Q: Does an emphasis on formality in strategic planning processes necessarily mean that an organization automatically limits its ability to think and act in a creative manner?
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Importance of formality in strategic planning?

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Although QA and testing has gained its market but still QA takes a back seat in many organizations. Organizations do have testing teams to get their product tested for better quality product but formal processes are not followed/introduced from QA perspective. For effective testing results, it's very important to introduce new QA processes. To achieve this, we first need to analyze the processes best suited for our organization. Then implement the required processes in couple of teams in the organization for few days and if it is feasible to follow them, processes are implemented throughout the organization. In addition to formal processes for QA teams to follow, organizations can also organize trainings for QA from time to time.

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What is the summary of Chapter 1 in the book organization structures processes and outcomes?

Chapter 1 of the book "Organization Structures, Processes, and Outcomes" likely introduces key concepts related to organizational structures, processes, and outcomes. It may cover topics such as different types of organizational structures, how processes within an organization function, and the relationship between these elements and organizational success. Additionally, the chapter may provide an overview of the importance of understanding these components for effective management and leadership within organizations.

What is the meaning of CMM?

The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) in software engineering is a model of the maturity of the capability of certain business processes. A maturity model can be described as a structured collection of elements that describe certain aspects of maturity in an organization, and aids in the definition and understanding of an organization's processes.

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Is the input and output is like math?

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