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Management system is usually referring to Operations, MIS is usually computer or database specific

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Q: Difference between management system and management information system?
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What is the difference between system boundary and system environment?

The environment - factors around the information system that influence it The boundary - the end of the information system

What is the difference between information system and management information system?

Often, they are used interchangeably. Basically, think of an Information System (IS)as that system that is used by and accessable to everyone. Any factory worker may use an Information System to look up a part, or you may use an Information System in the library to find a book. The Management Information System, or MIS, is that system that is used by management to make management decisions. So the factory worker may not have access to the MIS, but the CEO would use the MIS to schedule work flow, hire more employees, make decisions about building new factories. The librarian in your local library would use the IS to find a book but an MIS to schedule other librarians to work on peak traffic days.

What is the difference between a file manager and a database-management system?


Distinguish between a Management Information System and a Decision Support System?

DSS is more focused on senior management/leadership influencing strong company direction, and decisions. MIS focuses on information flow relationships.

What is the difference between database application and dbms?

A DBMS is a database management system. A database application would be something inside the DBMS such as: ~a way to search files ~a way to pull certain information

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The major difference between management information system and accounting information system is the method of accounting. The latter is performed by software, while the former is the system of how the records are kept.

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What is the difference Management Information System and Decision Support System?

My question is ''What is the difference between Information System and Deceision Support System'' MIS systems provide information about organizational performance while DSS support techniques to analyze specific problems or opportunities

What is the relationship between management information system and information system?

Management Information System is a type of Information System. It is used by middle management to keep taps on the activities of the organisation. It helps them in making informed decisions.

What is the difference between MIS and IMS?

MIS (Management Information Systems) refers to the technology and systems used for managing and analyzing information within an organization to support decision-making. IMS (Information Management System) is a type of database management system used for managing and organizing information in mainframe computing environments. In summary, MIS deals with management of information systems while IMS is a specific type of database system.

What is the difference of management information system and operation information system?

management information systems are systems that record transactions in an organisation and provide management with information to make decisions that affect the whole organisation whereas operation information system is the systems that help with daily running of an organisation.

What is the Comparative study between traditional data management system and database management system?

The difference between management and comparative is that one is about sex and the other is about touching up lovers

What is the difference between information asset management and knowledge management?

Knowledge management is the ability a person has to use information or data efficiently and honestly. Information system management is the capacity of a computer to connect a network of computers through a local or metropolitan area network or through the world wide web.

Difference between file system and information system?

Information system consists of collection of information which are stored in memory. This include library segments, data segments, system segments etc. Module of operating system dealing with management of information is called file system. File system is intended to provide convenient management of information. So the programmer is freed from problems related to the allocation of space for for his information as well as other problems such as storage format and I/O addressing.

Functions of management information system?

management information system