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Q: Can the engineer manager avoid making management decisionwhy or why not?
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Can the engineer manager avoid making management decision Why or why not?


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Cost accounting is a vital management tool for effective management functions, such as, for manager to perform budgetary planning & controls and for decision making.

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The role of a HR manager in participative management is to engage the other subordinate employees in making managerial decisions. This is considered to be an effective form of management that enhances teamwork.

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Top manager refers to a person who is in upper management . Such people are responsible for making primary decisions in an organization.

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A democratic manager consults its members of staff in the decision making of an organization.

Example of management as an art?

Management is considered an art form. An example of this is a manager making a team work on a specific project to reach a goal.

How does modern financial manager differ from the traditional financial manager?

The modern financial manager is more focused on strategic planning and decision-making than the traditional manager. The traditional manager is more focused on operational tasks and day-to-day management.

How does the modern financial manager differ from the tradition financial?

The modern financial manager is more focused on strategic planning and decision-making than the traditional manager. The traditional manager is more focused on operational tasks and day-to-day management.

Decision making is the primary task of the management?

Decision making is one of the many tasks of a manager. They are usually the final decision maker in most situations. They are responsible for making sure everyone under them is doing their job and is trained as well.

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Sidney Mailick has written: 'The making of the manager' -- subject(s): Executives, Management, Study and teaching, Training of

Where can one purchase a font manager?

A font manager system is one whereby users can preview various fonts before making a final purchasing decision. Font management program systems are available online.