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If the evaluation is for the business itself them the results will be shares with the managers and all of the employees. Of the evaluation is to evaluate each employees work then it will only be shared with the managers.

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Q: Are the results of evaluations communicated to managers and to employees?
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Are the results of evaluations communicated to managers and to the employees?

If the evaluation is for the business itself them the results will be shares with the managers and all of the employees. Of the evaluation is to evaluate each employees work then it will only be shared with the managers.

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The purpose of a 360 degree evaluation , in contrast with traditional evaluations, is to receive feedback not only from direct managers but also from peers and subordinates. The results are usually used to plan and map future development.

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Employees, are the people that deal, on a daily basis withthe processes of machinary, equiptment, functions or activities that transforms inputs into outputs. They are in the position to know what safety matters relate to those processes, Managers / leaders that have a true concern with safety will consult with the people that have the best knowledge. Employees are also the people that are at risk ant therefore should be entitled to an option on how safety programs be designed , developed and monitored and evaluated.

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Why is it important to include operating employees non-managers in the development and use of an incentive program?

It is important to include operating employees (non-managers) in the development and use of incentive programs in order to disseminate the desired business goals. This is especially true for manufacturing companies where the operating employees play a major role in the organization reaching preset goals. Operating employees (non-managers) are able to contribute information or suggestions as to how to reach the desired results. They represent the pulse of the organization. Operating employees are aware of all situations that may prevent the organization from reaching that target goal. Extending the development and use of the incentive programs to encompass the non-managers will aid in making them think more like owners (Ivancevich, 2010). The goal of a joint committee of upper-level and lower-level employees is to insure that the operating employees (lower level) will "buy in" on the incentive programs (Ivancevich, 2010). Just rolling out an incentive program without the input of the operating managers does not make them feel as if they are an intricate part of the team.

What are the key differences between ex ante and ex post evaluations in terms of assessing the effectiveness of policies or decisions?

Ex ante evaluations assess the potential impacts of policies or decisions before they are implemented, while ex post evaluations assess the actual impacts after implementation. Ex ante evaluations focus on predicting outcomes, while ex post evaluations focus on measuring actual results. Both types of evaluations are important for understanding the effectiveness of policies or decisions.

What are the key differences between ex ante and ex post evaluations in terms of assessing the effectiveness of a project or policy implementation?

Ex ante evaluations are done before a project or policy is implemented to predict its potential outcomes, while ex post evaluations are done after implementation to assess the actual impact. Ex ante evaluations focus on planning and forecasting, while ex post evaluations focus on analyzing results and lessons learned.

Where a measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations is called?

The measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations is called reliability. It assesses the dependability and stability of a measurement tool in producing consistent results over time.

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james gwapo ng tag state u'''''