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They usually open their eyes 10 to 14 days after being born.

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Q: How old do bunnies have to be to be able to see?
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How old should baby bunnies be to interact with the father?

I'm not sure, but they should at least be able to see, and have fur. i had a family of bunnies once, and every time we got a new batch of babies, the father would bite some of the newborns to death. gruesome.

What is the difference between male bunnies and female bunnies?

From my studies i think that you can see Male Bunnies Kidneys, but for Female Bunnies you cant.

When do you separate baby bunnies?

separate baby bunnies when there 8 weeks old

Can you use shampoo on baby bunnies?

You should not shampoo any bunnies no matter how old they are.

How do bunnies see?

Through There Eyes

When do bunnies get teeth?

Well i have 2 day old bunnies and they were born with thiers ;-) Baby bunnies are born with teeth.

Why are dust bunnies called dust bunnies?

There Called Dust Bunnies because bunnies are fluffy so the dust is fluffy so think about the fur in a bunny when you see a dust bunny

When do baby bunnies start to hear?

Bunnies typically open their eyes around 10 days. Some bunnies open their eyes even earlier if they feel that they really need to see where they are or what's going on. All my bunnies (so far) have opened their eyes on the afternoon of the 11th day. I sometimes "help" the process by taking off the crustiness that forms to help seal the bunnies eyes.

How old do bunnies have to be before holding them?

you can pick up a bunny when it is 2 weeks old

How old are bunnies when you can tell if its a boy or girl?

look at there perivet

What are bunnies inherited behaviors?

on being able to do much like running or walking

Can different breed bunnies live in the same cage?

They are physically able to live in the same cage however, some bunnies fight with others of a different breed.