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Who knows? Well, it was released 10 years ago so we don't really have a good chance.

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Q: Dogs life 2
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What are the release dates for The Secret Life of--- - 2003 Secret Life of Hot Dogs 2-1?

The Secret Life of--- - 2003 Secret Life of Hot Dogs 2-1 was released on: USA: 2004

How do you bring a dog to life?

you get 2 dogs then mate them

How many dogs have saved a person's life?


Can big dogs and little dogs have puppies on sims 2?

in real life you could but the small dog has to me the male in sims no

How do you become a football manager in Africa?

You must kill 2 cats. save 2 cows life, and eat 14 dogs!

Who is in Miley Cyrus life?

She has 3 sisters , 1 brother and a mom and dad and 2 dogs and a cat

How many dogs does the Queen of England own?

She has got 9 dogs. 5 Corgi's and 4 Dorgi's (Daschund+Corgi)

There are 2 dogs and one cat the dogs ate the cat How many dogs are there?


What happened to Ivan Mishukov the Russian child who lived for 2 years with a pack of dogs after he was taken from the dogs?

He was eventually lured into a resturaunt by policemen after two years of living with dogs. He was adopted out and lives a normal happy life, though he still reportedly, "dreams of dogs".

Is there a dogs life2 for ps2?

this is from the person who posted this...... i have a game called dogs life for ps2. i got if for Christmas and loved it i have completed it and wounderd if theres a number 2. if not what would you think a good story line for a number 2 would be? '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Do you have a dogs and how many dogs do you have?


If you have 4 dogs and 2 of them die how many do you have?

You could have:4 dogs: 2 alive and 2 dead3 dogs: 1 alive and 2 dead as 1 alive dog ran away3 dogs: 2 alive and 1 dead as 1 dead dog has been removed2 dogs: 2 dead dogs as the alive dogs ran away2 dogs: 2 alive dogs as the dead dogs have been taken away.1 dog: 1 alive dog as 2 dead dogs have been removed and 1 alive dog ran away1 dog: 1 dead dog as 2 alive dogs ran away and 1 dead dog has been removedno dogs: the dead dogs have been removed and the 2 alive dogs were taken away by the authorities for the sake of the welfare of the two alive dogs as the death of the 2 dogs was caused by your animal cruelty.........................................................................................................................................................................You still have 4 dogs 2 are dead 2 are alive