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No. Not at all. Dogs simply smell other dogs' marked areas as a way to get to know the "competition", so to speak. It's no different than when they smell you or your visitors who come over. Dogs are able to get a lot of information about people and other animals through scent. Your dog will be fine.

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Q: Your puppy does not have his shots and you took him for a walk and he smelled other dogs pee will he die once he gets his first shots?
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Is it bad to five a 9 month old puppy his first shots?

I am assuming you mean " give a 9 month old puppy his first shots"Well , puppy should have had his first shot at 3 month, depending on the breed, some very small breeds get their shots at 4 month. But better late then never. Take this puppy to the vets as soon as possible, the vet will advise you what is needed and how to proceed.

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i got my puppy for 500 at 8 wks old and he had his first shots.

What shots do puppy need?

Dogs need to get their first booster shots at 8 weeks of age. After leaving their mom if they are not vaccinated they can get diseases like parvovirus which is fatal and caninevirus which is like parvo but not fatal. Talk to your vet and he will explain the shots that your puppy needs.

Does a puppy have 1 vaccination?

First they are dewormed at 3 to 4 weeks,then their first shots about 6 to 8 weeks, they have 3 to 4 rounds of shots depending on your vet, then at 12 weeks they have their rabies.

Can you give puppy shots?

Yes you can, and the type of shots depends on the age of the canine I believe

Can you walk your puppy if he dose not have his shots yet?

Yes. You're puppy would love a walk.

If you live in the city at what age should you first walk your puppy?

It is best to wait until your puppy has had all of its shots. Typically 3 sets of puppy shots will do the trick. Your puppy's shots need to include Parvo. Parvo is deadly and fairly common (depending on your area). At 4 months old they are vaccinated against Rabies (some people walk their dogs before this shot). After your puppy is fully vaccinated start your walks. If you got your dog from a breeder, they can help you with common practices in puppy care and breed specific questions. Your vet is always a good resource and should be happy to answer any question you may have.

How much does it cost for puppy shots?

in some certain shots it may cost more than 15$ but a puppy shots cost 15$ maximum

What shots does a puppy need?

Two in the head with a barrat 50cal.

At how old can you take newborn puppy outside?

You can take a puppy outside at any age just to go potty, but a puppy should have all of it's shots before it meets other dogs or spend long periods of time outside.

When can a puppy have its first wash?

If any one who reads this knows the answer please reanswer it because my puppy needs help and I dont know if I can give it a bath yet!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!

If you get your puppies first shots will he be covered and safe from parvo?

The parvo virus is very dangerous and an infection can irreparable damage to your puppy. Talk to your doctor and make sure you give him all the booster shots to ensure that he is healthy.