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Foreign object, worms, go to vet NOW!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Your boy dog is poopong blood why?
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If a boy dog likes a boy dog is it gay?

In terms of animal behavior, it is more accurate to describe it as mating behavior rather than using human sexuality labels like gay. Animals do not have the same concepts of sexual orientation as humans. The behavior is likely driven by instinctual mating behaviors rather than human sexuality.

The boy was bitten by a dog convert to active voice?

That dog is biting a boy.

Where do they get the dog blood that they do to the dog?

If you mean where they get the blood from the dog, its in the foot, they find a vein and then take blood

What is dog boy in Russian?

In Russian, "dog boy" can be translated as "собачник" (sobachnik).

What does it mean if a boy dog chews on a girls dog ears?

It means that the boy dog isn't very found of the girl dog

Give 5 examples of nouns with sentence?

boy -- The boy chased the dog dog -- The dog chased the boy. table -- The boy chased the dog around the table. cat -- The cat chased the mouse. flower -- Flowers are nice.

Is Koda a good boy name for a dog?

Yes if it is a boy dog and liike itt.

What is the duration of Boy Meets Dog?

The duration of Boy Meets Dog is 540.0 seconds.

Is spunky the dog a boy or a girl?


Is hades dog a boy or girl?

it is a boy.

What actors and actresses appeared in A Dog and His Boy - 1992?

The cast of A Dog and His Boy - 1992 includes: Jesse Stock as The Boy

Was Toto the dog a boy or girl?

Toto, in the "Wizard of Oz" story, is a male Cairn Terrier dog.