

Best Answer

Change living situation and food it may be stressed

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Q: Your 4 month old Pomeranian is heaving and won't eat what can I do we don't have a veterinarian where you are from?
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What's the education of veterinarian techincain?

In order to be a veterinarian you have to get your college degree.If you dont get a college degree you cant be a veterinarian. SO GET YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much time does a veterinarian get off?

A veterinarian gets at least 4 vacations a month, and 26 sick days a year. A veterinarian gets twenty- eight thousand days off a minute, hahahaha and at least 28 hours a weekend? does that make sense IDTS!!!!!! lol I dont really care about veterinarians that much just kidding they help my dog skittles!!!

How do you do a physical on your dog?

you dont. you take it to a local certified veterinarian.

Does a veterinarian require training?

they dont, all you do is not eat meat, how do you need training for that!

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No you are not

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i dont really no

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Take it to the veterinarian. The doctor will know what to do.

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about 123,124,141,421,345,253,496,046,740,574,574,860,978,056,767 a month. Dont ask stupid questions that people dont know.

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i dont know... a month maybe??

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i dont know what month but i believe it started in 1938.

How many people suicide in a month?

I dont know about 50 people in a month I guess.

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if you dont get your min this month what do you do to get them