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Yes, 16 is old enough to be an narcissistic person because they are old enough to control others around them. It is usually learned from a parent and some doctors feel this behavior is genetic. Narcissists are very closely related to mentally abusive men/women. They are kind and loving at the beginning of the relationship and slowly weave their web of deceit by alienating their mate from family and friends. Narcissists feel they are above everyone else and have little tolerance for "stupid people" (of course this is all in the narcissist's mind.) They have low self esteem, but project being exceptionally independent and a master of themselves. Before the mate or the mate's family realizes it he/she is stuck in a relationship and is mentally abused. Arguements are often and it's like walking around on broken glass 100% of the time. Narcissists are also perfectionists to a fault and anyone that doesn't fit into their criteria is soon cast out. At this point (hopefully your daughter has broken-up with him) it doesn't really matter what he was, but you must watch your daughter closely for any signs of narcissistic behavior acquired from months or possibly a couple of years. It's learned behavior! Even if your daughter was passive she is resentful of how he has treating her (whether she admits it or not) and may go the other way on the spectrum of becoming very controlling herself and that includes bouts of control with her family and friends. Be patient and be careful what you say, but see if your daughter will communicate how she feels. Whatever you do, don't "down" her boyfriend because it will only make matters worse and she's more inclined to protect him no matter how miserable he was to her. You also must remember that only a professional can diagnose someone with narcassism. There could be other reasons for your daughter's boyfriend's behavior such as doing drugs, drinking too much alcohol or he has come from an abusive family. In these cases this does not make him a narcassist.

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Q: You think your 16 year daughter was involved with a 16 year old male narcissist Are there teenage narcissists?
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