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don't do steroaids that's fer shure

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Q: You have small testies still your age is 23 yr what should you do?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be for your testies to produce sperm?

it could be different for every individual.normally it ranges from the age 13 and onwards.

Are Cole and Dylan Sprouse small for there age?

Yes, they are very small for their age. But theirs bodyes still growing.

Can unresolved blunt testicular injuries at a young age affect penis growth?

No I dont think so. The testies are a different part of The repro. System!

Can kids get acrylics?

yes they can ... however when they are small and still growing their nails are still growing soo it would be healthier not to when their small .... And depending on the age

Should you be worried that you have small breast at age 12?

Not at all :)

What years included the stone age?

Depends on the people, there are still some small stone age tribes in isolated areas.

What age should you expect your breasts to grow a lot since you are 16 and your breasts are still very small a cups?

Breasts can grow up until your 21 . Having small boobs isn't bad you were made like that inbrace it

Should males at the age of 16 still expirience growing pains?

Males who are only 16 of age can still experience growing pains because they're still growing.

What age should girls stop having tea parties?

They still do that?

Is 4.75 in long by 4.5 in girth small for age 14?

Yes that is extremely small you should see a doctor

How do you know im going though puberty?

Usually Puberty starts at the age of 12-13 in males. If ur testies have increased in size and if you have started getting hair on your pubic regions, you have stared puberty.

What should a 15 year old girl do if she still likes her ex-boyfriend but he's dating somebody else?

15 years is a very small age for relationships. You should sit back and do your homework. Maybe watch mickey mouse on the television.