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Yes, you can be. Many women spot the first tri-mester when pregnant. Best way to find out is take a pregnancy test, then call your Dr, or go to a Crisis Pregnancy Center near you for a free test and help.

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Q: You have been spotting every other day can you be pregnant?
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most likely that you are pregnant, there could be other reasons. if you are pregnant and spotting, i would get to a doctor right away. it could mean infection or miscarriage

What does it mean when through out your hold period you've been spotting?

You may be pregnant

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If you've been spotting it really means you're pregnant.

I feel pregnant but seen spoting blood.can i be pregnant?

Yes. Spotting can indicate implantation of the fetus into the uterine wall (usually between 3-5 weeks pregnant). Spotting can also indicate the start of a miscarriage. BUT many many pregnancies have had spotting (and even heavier bleeding) and still been successful.

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If you got pregnant on your last depo shot then it should be obvious you can get pregnant taking it.

Could I be pregnant I have been having my periods but on this last one i have light pink blood when i wip and spotting what does this mean?

Yes, you might be pregnant - take a test

How long will spotting last after a pap smear while pregnant I had it done on Monday and ever since then i have been noticing some spotting off and on?

Spotting is common after a pap smear, particularly during pregnancy. All spotting during pregnancy should be discussed with your health care provider.

I am spotting on the last active pill of Yaz that i have been on for fourth months should I be concerned?

I have similar spotting and definitely am NOT pregnant. I have been researching online and spotting with Yaz seems to be a normal thing, especially in the first year (i've been on it since December 07). I have no pain or other symptoms, so I think I'll let my body work this out since I just had my annual in Nov and no issues occurred. Obviously, if you are concerned, call your doc!!!

You have the implanon birth control which 99 effective but your period is 2 weeks late and ive been having some brownish red spotting on and off could you still be pregnant I've had spotting before wh?

Spotting and irregular periods are side effects of the implant. If you still think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

I have been spotting for 4 days now and I'm pregnant is it okay?

yes that is normol i am almost for months and i spred alot