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Yes, very rare. Most beavers are brown.

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Q: You caught an all black beaver is this rare?
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Related questions

What are the lyrics for the beaver song?

beaver 1 beaver all lets all do the beaver crawl beaver 2 beaver 3 lets all climb the beaver tree beaver 4 beaver 5 lets all do the beaver jive beaver 6 beaver 7 let all go to beaver heaven beaver 8 beaver 9 STOP its beaver time

Does ash catch any rare Pokemon in the show?

All I remember is that he caught a shiny noctowl, if you consider that rare Ash also catches Snorlax

Can a purebred Singapura be black?

There are some rare instances where a purebred Singapura can be all black.

What are the super secret rare moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

There are no moshlings rated as 'super secret rare' on Moshi Monsters. Moshlings ratings are common, uncommon, rare, and ultra-rare. The Secrets set of moshlings are all rated as ultra-rare. They are Roxy, Baby Rox, Dustbin Beaver, and Blingo.

Where are all the rare candies in Pokemon black?

they are in the unova region

What is the collective noun for rare black?

The collective noun for a group of rare black items is a "rarity" or "rareness." So, if you have a bunch of rare black diamonds or rare black pearls, you can call them a rarity of rare blacks. Just make sure to guard them with your life because they're as precious as a golden ticket!

How many Pokemon can you catch In Pokemon Black?

It is possible to have caught all 649 eventually.

Are jaguars known for their black skin?

NO! They don't have black skin. Their skin is spotted.

Who plays the beaver in Leave It to Beaver?

Jerry Mathers played Theodore 'Beaver' Cleaver in all 235 original episodes of Leave It To Beaver, which aired from 1957 to 1963.

What are the Beaver ABC's?

A- animal H- hard P- Pees alot W-wired B- bivores I-Jonaca Q- Quiet they are not X- Xtranious (is that a word???) C- constuct K- killed R- retarded mamals Y- yellow D- dam L-large S- stupid Z- Zagtif E- enginire M- mammal T- tough F- food N- North America U- understanding G- grow O- obvious V- Very loud HEYYYYY PEOPLES HOWS IT HANGIN'?????????? Beaver none, beaver 1, lets all have some beaver fun beaver 2, beaver 3, lets all climb the beaver tree beaver 4, beaver 5, lets all do the beaver jive beaver 6, beaver 7, lets all go to beaver heaven

Do Siberian cats come in black?

Yes they do, but it is rare for them to be. A true black siberian has to be a pure siberian, and it's coat must be all black fur, no other colors.

What are all the super rare Pokemon in emerald?

Groudon is in emerald, it can be caught with a master ball, which can be found at team aqua's hideout just off of lilycove city.