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to get rid of moths use Pheromone sticky traps ok I found a catalogue company that sells organic, (non-toxic to humans or animals) pheromone traps. The name is Gardens Alive! in their March 2008 catalogue on page 85 under Household Traps. Prices are from $3.45 to 9.95 depending on type of trap.

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15y ago
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14y ago

It sounds like possibly moth flies which are keyed to moisture. If you can find & eliminate, the flies go too. Most small flies are moisture-related. The kitchen could be a SPP (stored product pest) but if same in both, I am leaning towards small fly.

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7y ago

With difficulty! Moth poison, vacuuming, traps, and freezing your clothes may help. Moths can be really hard to get rid of and their eggs are almost indestructible.

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14y ago

This is not a problem, moths will not harm you. They are coming in because they are attracted to your house lights. If you can try and catch them and release them outside.

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Large scaly-winged insects, like moths and butterflies.

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No, big black and white moths are not deadly to humans. Moths are generally harmless insects that do not pose a threat to people. Their large size and coloration are often for camouflage and not for protection or harm.

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feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects.

What insects do Fiery-necked nightjar's eat?

They feed primarily on Moths and other large flying insects.

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