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It depends on what part of the world you are in. Try and be more specific.

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Q: Would you find more species in a forest or open field?
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Where do you find your name written in Genus species order?

You can find your name written in Genus species order in the field of taxonomy or biological classification. Your first name would be the Genus and your last name would be the species, typically used to scientifically classify organisms.

How many bird species in the rainforests?

Nearly 1,400 Species of birds live in the rain forest, but there are more to find!

In pixie hollow where can you find oak leaves?

you can find it in cottenpuff field in the autum forest that's where i get the most or dewdrop vale or the winter forest i hope you find oak leaves

How do you get to kelp forest in Spongebob Squarepants in the yellow avenger?

first get to the jellyfish field then go straight ahead then you will find the kelp forest

What planets would you find in the a forest?

Planets are too large and massive to be located inside a forest; the ones we are familiar with are in solar orbits in space and not found in a forest. You would, however, find plants in a forest; by definition, trees are plants so you would at the very least find the trees comprising the forest in question. Forests, particularly mature ones, usually evidence a stratification of plant life which includes things like underbrush a lower ground cover, even microscopic plant life, but species would be too numerous to list. Tropical rainforests are known for having among the largest examples of biodiversity on Earth.

What is the temperate forest?

The temperate deciduous forest is a forest in the temperate zone of the world . It contains over 66 percent of the worlds species. You can find out more about and what the temperate deciduous forest on it is simply only a click away! LOL!!

What place would you most likely would find pioneer species?

newly erupted volcano is where u would find pioneer species

What plants and animals would you find in a Forrest?

the plants u can find in a Forest are trees ,and a little bit of bushes, animals u would find in a forest is a bear or a grizzly bear

Why would people want to visit a tropical forest?

People would want to visit a tropical forest because they want to research the indigenous flora or fauna. They may possibly want to see what kind of stuff they can find to take pictures of. Scientists are always looking for new species, and a tropical forest is great place to search. People may want to test the adage, "May the forest be with you".

What would you find in a rain forest?

In the 21st century most likely you would find a Mcdonalds.