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No, the razor sharp claws are made of mashmallows

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Q: Would it hurt if a baby bear clawed at you?
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It wouldn't hurt the baby, but why would you put in a tampon, if you're pregnant you don't have your period.

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It shouldn't. The only kind of shock that would hurt the baby is the kind that would hurt you also.

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It could hurt if you pulled it out hard. But if you wiggle it everyday, it would not hurt then.

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If i looks hurt. Would be the first thing would be; The colouring of it The way it acts And if it will eat or not.

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depends where you get the tatoo

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a teddy bear!

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Yes, riding a foal will hurt it. A foal should not be ridden until it is at least 3 years old because before that it is't strong enough to bear weight.

Why are baby rattles plastic?

bcause if they were metal or anyother material a baby could be allergic to it or if the baby sticks it in his or her mouth it would not do anything to hurt the baby

What is love... baby dont hurt medont hurt you no more?

What is love? Baby. . Don't hurt me. . .Don't hurt me. . . No more. . .

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Most baby contests are not invasive or testing abilities. The parent would be the best judge about specific baby contests and if the child would be put in jeopardary or not.

Can you wear waist belts when pregnant?

no because it wil hurt you and baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea it would squeez ur babby and hurt it =(