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Not likely, Wolves are afraid of you and more likely to run away but if you make them stressed or they are hungry, they are more likely to attack you if you go near one. (There is a sign that a wolf will do so you know to back off or go more nearer) The sign of a wolf: if a wolf is uncomfortable it will have it's ears back. But if a wolf doesn't mind you going near it may just stand their wondering what your doing but if a wolf that you have more chance, the sign of a wolf that is friendly is a wolf having to wag it's tail looking at you.

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14y ago
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11y ago

No, Not Unless You have Been Abusing Them Or Teasing Them They Remember You And Attack. So be Nice And Give Them meat, They May Become Your Companion For Life Like Dog's But More Powerful. Trust Worthy May Go Down So Treat it Good Or They Will No longer Be Your Companion.

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16y ago

Wolves Yes, there are documented cases of wolf attacks. These are not common but they are not unknown either.

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13y ago

yes it can because if its threaten it maybe attack you but if you are scared dont show your fear you show fear you like 100% sure your going to die

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10y ago

Yes, they can, and they can even attack boys.

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8y ago

Not usually.

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