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Q: Will vitamin C prevent dog urine from killing grass?
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How can you prevent dog urine from killing grass?

keep them in the house you idiot

Does feeding a dog a spoonful of tomato sauce stop the urine from killing grass?

No. Tomato juice is highly acidic, and since dog urine is already acidic, the tomato juice will just further increase the urine's acidity (decreasing pH), further killing the grass. The only way to stop dog urine from killing the grass is to lime the area where the dog has urinated. Lime has a high pH (or is basic), and as we all know, a base added to an acid will neutralize the solution or an area.

Can you put distilled vinegar in your dogs water to prevent spot burning your lawn?

No. Some female dogs frequently urinate in the same spot all the time. Vinegar will not keep her urine from killing a spot in the grass.

How do you protect zoysia grass from urine?

You cant. Only female dogs do it and there is no way to prevent it.

What is wrong with your horse when his urine is killing the grass?

Nothing is wrong with the horse. If you look at spots where dogs and other animals pee on the grass, the grass dies there too. If your seriously worried you can call a vet.

what can I use o my lawn to nutralize female dog urine It is killing my grass.?

You can buy a product called Dog Rocks and put it in your dogs bowl. It helps neutralize the acid content in the dogs urine and the spots in the grass should stop being so noticable.

Does cat feces and urine kill your grass?

Yes, cat feces and urine can harm your grass due to the high nitrogen content in cat urine that can burn the grass. The feces can also contain harmful bacteria that can negatively affect the grass. It's best to clean up after your cat promptly to prevent damage to your lawn.

Does grass show in urine?

The urine will most likely kill the grass because urine is an acid and consists of toxins your body has removed from your system. I think it leaves brown patches The true reason is because of the high amount of nitrogen found in dog urine it can kill the grass. In a lawn were no fertilizer has been applied, dog urine will increase plant growth and green-up the grass. The problem sometimes comes when your lawn has high nitrogen levels from fertilizer and the dog urinates. This would be an "overdose" of nitrogen and cause the turf to burn. It's a common misconception that "acid" in dog urine kills grass. The truth is that dog urine can have a pH of 6.0-8.0(slightly acidic to slightly alkaline) which is no where near acidic enough to kill grass. True dog urine spots will many times be brown in the middle and growing vigorously around the brown spot. Dog Rocks are great, they reduce the amount of nitrate produced in the urine, which stops it killing off the grass. They are really easy to use, they just sit in your dogs water bowl.

Does cyanocobalamin make urine bright yellow?

Both cyanocobalamin (a form of vitamin B12) and vitamin B2 can cause bright yellow urine.

Dog urine brown grass?

Dog urine can cause brown spots on grass due to its high nitrogen content, which can "burn" the grass. To prevent this, dilute the urine by watering the spot immediately after your dog goes. You can also train your dog to go in a specific area of the yard or use products that help neutralize the nitrogen.

How does the polarity of vitamin C aid in preventing accumulation of this vitamin?

The polarity of vitamin C allows it to dissolve in water, facilitating its excretion through urine. This helps prevent the accumulation of excess vitamin C in the body, as any excess is readily eliminated, reducing the risk of potential toxicity.

Dog urine grass?
