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I think, no. Cats are never stays together after mating.

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Q: Will tigers stay together after mating?
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Where do the tigers stay and when do they have babies?

Tigers sometimes stay in plains or caves. They have babies when they wanted to, as there isn't any mating timing for them tigers.

Does the father Northern quoll stay after mating?

No. The Northern quolls do not stay together after mating. The male actually dies after mating.

How long does a tiger stay with its cubs?

Male tigers don't stay with the mother at all. Right after mating the father leaves.

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They're solitary, and basically only come together for mating.

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Bengal tigers do not "marry" and no animal does. Male and female tigers are together only for a brief period during mating. Males have nothing further to do with the female and do not share in raising the cubs.

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No, after mating, the male disappears and has nothing to do with rearing the young.

Do the two adult tigers stay together for ever?

Maybe they will if the male is not overuled

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they only stay together for one mating season but after that, they switch partners

What animals do tigers cooperate with?

other tigers(in mating season)sometimes when hunting

Why do tigers have babies?

By mating tigers have babies to reproduce and keep their species alive

Do tigers live alone or in a group?

Tigers are usually solitary, except for mating.