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It greatly depends on the mother cat. Many breeding Queens seem to prefer their human companions nearby, and do not mind if her kittens are touched. However, if a stranger approches or touches the kittens, this will stress the mother out and will likely move the kittens to a different and more safe location. Mother cats are very affectionate over there young and will very rarely abandon them.

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Q: Will the mom cat come back is you touch her kittens?
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Does a cat ever eat her newborn kittens after you touch them?

no of coarse not

How long until a female goes back into heat after her first litter?

This usually depends on how old the kittens are and the individual mother cat. Usually a female cat will come back into season after her current kittens are weaned. However, some cats' cycles can start again when her kittens are still very young, and some will not come into heat again for many months after the kittens are weaned.

Will cats let you touch the kittens?

yes they will because my cat did so i think they will to

Will a feral cat come back to their kittens if you touch them?

I'm not absolutely sure, but queens (cats nursing kittens) often feel a great sense of motherhood when their young is still small; it really depends on the age. As in many other things, feral cats do behave differently to domestic cats, but I'd still say that they would come back if they knew you were handling them; especially if you're being rough.

If a female cat is neutered will it ever have kittins?

No, a spayed cat will not be able to have kittens, nor come on heat. The spaying procedure removes the reproductive organs which renders a female cat unable to come into season and have kittens.

Will a cat take back its kittens if kittens have been touched?

tecnaecly thathast a on the gate question

Can cats with kittens be in heat?

This usually depends on how old the kittens are and the individual mother cat. Usually a female cat will come back into season after her current kittens are weaned. However, some cats' cycles can start again when her kittens are still very young, and some will not come into heat again for many months after the kittens are weaned.

What does it mean when your cat makes a weird sound whenever her kittens come near her?

She is just greeting her kittens.

What do you do when your cat cries after she had two kittens?

Answer: Have patience. She will calm down. She will cry if her kittens are taken away. If she doesn't have her kittens, give them back.

How soon can a cat conceive after having a litter?

A cat usually comes back into heat when her kittens are weaned, but some Queens start as soon as the kittens are born.

When can the mother cat be let outside?

It is best to wait until the kittens are fully weaned and the mother cat is spayed. Cats can come back into season once the kittens start the weaning process. Some will come back into season much earlier, although this isn't particularly common. Waiting until the cat is spayed insures she does not become pregnant so soon after her previous litter, which could be detrimental to her health.

What to do before a cat has kittens?

First of all, keep the mom cat comfortable, fed well, and clean. The same goes for after the kittens come. Second, you'll need to prepare for the kittens. Make sure the bed/box or wherever the mom cat is staying is big enough for herself and for her kittens. Keep the bedding clean as well.