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his chakra nature is wind but he can also use nature energy (if you count that as a chakra type) but other than that no

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Q: Will naruto ever get a second nature type chakra and if he does wich one?
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When you click on the link which has been added for you below this answer it will take you to the wiki naruto website which has everything you ever wanted and need to know about naruto chakras and about naruto in general if you havent yet seen this site you will thank me when you have .

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Is Naruto stronger than kizame?

As of now, yes. Naruto can now control the Nine Tailed Fox after defeating it within himself. When he taps into the fox's chakra showing it off to Yamato and Killer Bee, he immediately senses an evil presence. This was an ability of the fox's, and Naruto has inherited that ability (no other sensory type ninja is able to do this). He senses Kisame, and lands a furious punch faster than anything Kisame has ever seen. If Naruto were able to maintain control of the chakra, there is no doubt he would have beaten Kisame. However, he was not able to, but Kisame does die shortly after.

How do you create chakra?

each person has their own way of using chakra, they pull all the energy from inside them and gather it in the center and just bring it out my way of using my chakra is by thinking of going into a big black vortex, when the ball is thick enough you concentrate on making it under your feet allowing you to fly or if you put in your hands you can create and energy ball which can be used offensively or defensively. it can even be used for healing.

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No, Naruto doesn't ever fight Guy.

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naruto doesnt ever become the 6th hokage because an akasuki member call pain destroyed the village and the 5th hokage tride to save every body and ran out of chakra then went into a coma so some guy called danzou was elected hokage so naruto will be either the 7th or 8th hokage

Why didn't minato put the nine tailed fox inside him?

The fourth hokage didn't actually put the WHOLE nine tailed fox in Naruto, ever hear about yin and yang? Basically, the nine tailed has good and bad chakra, the fourth hokage only put the good chakra inside naruto, hoping that Naruto would control it.