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Yes, but if both males are "fixed" then its most likely they will lose intereest, but they will still probably fight for territorial reasons.

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Q: Will male dogs still fight over a spayed female dog?
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Related questions

Do spayed females have menses?

Spayed female cats and dogs do not menstruate.

Do fixed adult female dogs still go into heat?

No, after being spayed, fixed adult female dogs no longer go into heat because the surgery removes their reproductive organs, including the ovaries which produce hormones responsible for the heat cycle.

Diseases that older female dogs get that aren't spayed?

Unspayed females have shorter lifespans and tend to develop mammary cancer easier than a spayed female.

Why has your dog has got womb infection?

This is very common in female dogs who have not been spayed. Either that, or they get endrometritus That is why it is advisable to get them spayed.

Can two dogs have puppies when one is spayed and the other is not?

Spaying is the removal of the ovaries from a female dog. No dog that is spayed can have puppies. No female dog can have puppies with another female dog. If you are asking about a male dog, the correct term is neutered, not spayed.

Can female dogs never have a heat?

Female dogs typically go into heat, also known as estrus, twice a year. During this time, they are receptive to mating and can become pregnant. If a female dog has been spayed, she will no longer go into heat.

What do you call a spayed female dog?

Spaying is for female animals. Neutering is for male animals. Both procedures make it impossible for a pet to reproduce: a spayed female cat/dog cannot get pregnant, and a neutered male cat/dog cannot impregnate a female.

What risks do female dogs have if they aren't spayed?

They risk getting pregnant and having puppies. Most cities have dog pounds that are filled with living dogs that nobody wants. Most of these dogs will be killed after a while. So it's better usually for female dogs to be spayed, so they won't have more puppies.

Can a female dog still have her period at 10yrs old if not spayed?

In dogs, it is called a "heat". Female dogs will continue to have heats until they are spayed or they pass away. You should be aware that the older a female dog is, the higher risk there is for pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus. Symptoms can include vomiting, loss of appetite, and lethargy. If your older female is exhibiting any of these symptoms or any unusual behavior, you should take her in to be seen by a veterinarian.

What do they call dogs if they can not be a father?

It is called a dog. Normally male dogs are neutered and female dogs are spayed. Male dogs that don't have their parts are referred to as "intact" or "whole".

Will two female dogs get along if they are spayed if they are in the same household?

It depends on the dogs behavior and personality so i cant really tell because i live two cats and they just plain hate each otherANSWER:I have three spayed female dogs, all the same age, and they get along great together.

If a dog is fixed will she still have a period?

No, spaying a dog involves removing the uterus and ovaries, so she will no longer have a heat cycle or period.