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Not necessarily.It is not uncommon for puppies to do this. Dogs are pack animals, meaning they naturally hunt, eat, rest and sleep in packs. So when a puppy is left to sleep alone, they will get upset. This will occur for a few weeks after getting a new puppy until it learns to accept it. How long that takes depends on the puppy.

Giving the puppy a mate will likely help. You could also try leaving a cuddly toy or a warm clothing item that has your scent on it.

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Q: Will having an older dog keep your new puppy from whining at night?
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You need to train it. Try this link for help.

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It is probably trying to dominate. Because the puppy is younger, the older dog wants to show it that they, (the older one) are the boss.

Should a new puppy sleep with you older dog?

If the older dog allows it - yes.

How long should you keep your puppy confined to one room?

Less than 2 hours for a young puppy days for an older puppy.

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A dog can experience awful horrible growing pains! very painful very very painful!

Why is your older dog pinning a puppy on its back and biting its neck?

This behavior is a form of dominance or teaching the puppy boundaries. It's a natural instinct for older dogs to assert their authority and establish pack hierarchy. However, it's important to monitor the situation to ensure it doesn't escalate into aggression, and intervene if necessary to prevent any harm to the puppy.

How long before you can give away a puppy after birth?

it is recommended that the puppy stays with its mother for up to 8 weeks, and the longer they stay with their mother and littermates the better behavior they will have as the grow older. they learn a lot of things from their littermates that are essential to having a healthy dog.