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They probably could if you left the cage door open but ........ guinea pigs like there home they wont run away like hamsters they might go out if they are attracted by another unknown guineea pig but they cant open the cage door anyway.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Yes when the weather is sunny and warm you should let your guinea-pig outside in a run. Take into question would you like to be out in that weather and if you think that it is the right sort of conditions then the Guinea-Pig would be happy outside.

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11y ago

Your Guinea pigshouldn'tjump out of the c and c cage as long as it is big enough for them with high sides plenty of food/hay and water. You'll guinea pig will love it! Although if you areconcerned then no worries just make the sides even higher.

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14y ago

It depends on what breed of Guinea Pig you have and what kind of cage you bought her/him. If (s)he looks cramped in the cage buy a bigger one.

You can also get ten or twenty gallon tanks and sprinkle the bottom with wood shavings or other bedding :)

Also, if you have more then one Guinea Pig, it would be wise to get a fairly large tank/cage for them.

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13y ago

Guinea pigs can be easily stressed if handled for too long. If the pig is exhibiting signs of aggression/shy/lazy, anything other than "happy to be handled", put 'em back in the cage to rest. remember if it is a new pig to the house, leave him be in his habitat for at least five days (NO TOUCHING!) giving him plenty of food and water, until he becomes comfortable with his new surroundings. also, too much stress will kill your pig. :( this in mind, its better safe then sorry.

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guine pigs popcorn when they are happy or when you play with them.

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you can make a poster to show what they look like

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Yes, but only a once or twice a week.

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ummm cages? lol

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They can but it might make them sick. Might not want to try it.

Do guine pigs see from the side or straight?

Guinea pigs have a sort of binocular vision, slightly askew in comparison to a human's.

What is a reasonable price for guine pigs?

Guinea pigs are a type of rodent that are popular as pets. A reasonable price for a guinea pig is around $20 to $30.