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Sure, just be sure you have the nerve. A charging Griz will only give you a look at one vital area for a shotgun with birdshot and thats it's head. The nasal cavity is a large soft tissue area that leads right to the brain and will drop or turn a Griz on the spot. Now like I said it's all about nerve. From more than 5 feet the shot will spread out too much to have the power to kill, and it will definitely turn the bear at no more than 10 feet. On a bluff charge the ears will remain upright. If there's coming to get you. Bears can usually be turned from a longer distance on a bluff charge.

I like this approach over any large caliber rifle or handgun as you need to be pin point accurate with either of those and hit the CNS. Very few Griz have been stopped in their tracks unless you hit the CNS. Birdshot gives you more room for error. Use this method only as a second choice, as bear spray would still be my first option.

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If a Grizzly Bear is 10' away, your dead no matter what you shoot it with...

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Q: Will birdshot kill a grizzly bear at 10 ft away?
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