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Never, ever, EVER give 'human' medicine to animals without consulting a qualified vet ! You have no way of determining what is a 'safe' dose or whether the animal in question would suffer any side effects.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Usually, you can safely give your cat one baby aspirin every three days. A dose that is reduced to one half of a baby aspirin every two to three days is considered a safe dose for cats. Not all cats will react the same to even a small dose of baby aspirin.

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17y ago

YES. DO NOT EVER GIVE ASPIRIN TO A CAT. Not even Pepto Bismol (that has aspirin in it. Many cats, even leopards and tigers have been injured or killed by aspirin.

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17y ago

no but dont try it because mine was ill for weeks

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16y ago

it makes them sick and they die. it's poison for cats.

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15y ago

YES! and other humon pain killers and medicine CALL UR VET IF U WANT 2 KNOW!

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Q: Will baby aspirin hurt your cat?
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Does baby aspirin given to a cat go by weight?

It is not advisable to use human drugs to treat animals unless recommended by your vet. Do not give aspirin to your cat as cats do not have the required enzymes to break it down. Aspirin is highly toxic to cats and can be fatal if administered.

Is low dose aspirin the same as baby aspirin?

81mg is the common dosage for "baby" aspirin

What is a good subsitute cat shampoo?

Cat shampoo or baby shampoo. Human adult shampoo should not be used on a cat, it can hurt their skin.

Can you give aspirin to a cat?

No, you should not give aspirin to a cat without consulting a veterinarian first. Aspirin can be toxic to cats and cause serious harm.

What if a cat ate 2 baby aspirin?

I would call the vet. Could be toxic. They can have aspirin, but it needs to be diluted with water and then given in a syringe and only a certain amount from that.. As far as what to do, the vet would tell you that.

Can you give aspirin to cats?

1/4th of a baby aspirin every 72 hours is ok. But, ask your veterinarian before you do this. You can call any veterinarian clinic to get an answer and someone should be able to answer your question over the phone about this subject.

Will giving a dog Motrin one time hurt it?

If you need to give your dog any type home remedy pain med, it's better to give them, a LOW DOSE ASPIRIN such as BABY ASPIRIN. NOT MOTRIN.

Is it safe to give a cat an aspirin?

No, it is not safe to give a cat aspirin without consulting a veterinarian first. Aspirin can be toxic to cats and cause serious health problems.

Is it safe to give a cat aspirin?

It is not safe to give a cat aspirin without consulting a veterinarian first. Aspirin can be toxic to cats and cause serious health issues.

Is it safe to give aspirin to a cat?

No, it is not safe to give aspirin to a cat without consulting a veterinarian first. Aspirin can be toxic to cats and cause serious health issues.