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Yes, an opossum will hurt a baby rabbit, because baby rabbits are perfect little bundles of helpless fresh meat, and opossums are omnivores (which means they eat meat as well as plants). A hungry opossum could even hurt a grown rabbit, if the rabbit couldn't run away or hide.

If your rabbit is allowed outside, you have to be careful of predators, including opossums. Not only do you have to make sure the predator can't get at your rabbit, but you have to give your rabbit somewhere to hide so it can't see the predator. Rabbits have been known to die of shock/heart attack just because a scary predator is pacing around outside the hutch.

(After all, if the rabbit can't hide, it won't know that it's safe. The rabbit will think it's about to be killed and eaten, even if you know the predator could never get in -- the rabbit doesn't know that!)

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