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yes. I had a 2 year old guinea pig and a 6 month old and the were great together.

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Q: Will a young guinea pig and an old guinea pig get alone?
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Can an old guinea pig live with a young one?


Can a month old young guinea pig transfer to its father's cage?

This isn't a very good idea. A young guinea pig will still have the scent of its mother, so there's every chance the father will try to breed with it, or even fight with it. It's better to put a young guinea pig in a separate cage completely.

Can you heal a guinea pig alone?

It is best to consult a veterinarian if your guinea pig is ill or injured. Self-diagnosis and treatment can be risky and may not address the underlying issue. Veterinary care is important for ensuring the health and well-being of your guinea pig.

What can you give an old guinea-pig for company?

A new guinea pig?

Do guinea pig mothers eat their young?

no, g pig moms don't eat there young

What guinea pig doI need?

Get a guinea pig that is calm young not to old, healthy, cute, friendly and would cuddle in youre arms. But when you get a guinea pig the first time they will be a bit scared cos they never met you in there life so give them time to relax.

Can guinea pig get pregnant alone?

Nope - that's not possible !

Is my one year old guinea pig to old to breed?

Yes, I would say that eight weeks is a bit too young to start breeding your guinea pig. I would suggest waiting until your guinea pig is about four months old to start the breeding process. Otherwise, if you start breeding your guinea pig too early, there are multiple complications that could arrise that might affect the health of the mother of fetus(s).

What is a good pet for a 9 year old girl?

a Guinea pig will teach a young girl to be responsible and become a mature young lady.

Is 4 years old for a guinea pig?

No, 4 years old is not considered old for a guinea pig. Guinea pigs can live between 5-7 years on average, with some even living up to 8 years or more with proper care. So, a 4-year-old guinea pig is still relatively young and can have many more years ahead.

What about Guinea pig and young children?

The children should be nice to the guinea pig and make sure you ask if it is known for biting

How old does a male guinea pig have to be to get a female guinea pig pregnant?

Approximately 10 days.