Yes rat terriers were breed to kill rats and still do.
A rat Terrier is a breed of dog hybrid from fox terriers, beagles, whippets, and black and tan terriers. There were bred to kill rats.
A rat terrier is the breed. Smooth is the coat - Flat/ short. You can also get Wire. Its the same dog...
They were'NT bred together. tHe Boston Terrier is a mix of a English Bulldog and A White Terrier. Not a Rat Terrier.
The Rat Terrier life expectancy is about 25 years. The average Rat Terrier life span is about 15 - 18 years.You can also increase life span of terrier by giving proper and healthy natural dog food. Know better pet food provides information and products about dog, dogs health and their diet
A Ratshi terrier is a combination of the Rat Terrier and the Shih tzu
Rat terrier, terrier, silky terrier
a border terrier. i think. or a rat collie!
Petstores sell anti flea sprays especially made for small animals.
Take the pet to the veterinarian immediately! Rat poison causes internal bleeding and can easily kill your pet in a short amount of time the pet does not receive immediate veterinary care!
You can get a pet rat from most pet stores.