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Guinea pigs are not often considered "necessary" to neuter, but if you keep a male and female together, it's the best choice. Overpopulation is a huge problem and rodents are no exception! Also, the males sometimes drag their behinds more when they get old (making them prone to impaction), and neutering them helps with that. There are rodent savvy vets pretty much everywhere and they sometimes cost more, but you are keeping your pet healthy and happy! My little guy had to get snipped about a year ago, due to medical problems, and he's happier and more energetic! My vet did everything right, and I'm so grateful!

Neutering is a surgical procedure and all surgical procedures carry real risks, even when performed by an experienced vet. If you consider this last option, make absolutely sure you have located a vet with extensive experience and a good track record to minimize the possibility of losing your pet during the surgery (problems with anesthetics) or recovery (infections).

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13y ago
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7y ago

"Can" is a bit tricky. A neutered male still has a functioning penis. But without the testicles - and the hormones they produce - it would no longer have the urge or the interest to mate. And it certainly can't produce any offspring.

Sometimes neutered animals keep mounting other animals. Not for mating, but to display dominance.

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10y ago

Its quite safe. Its a less complicated surgery than having a female pig spayed.

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Can two female guinea pigs try to mate?

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You can have a neutered male and female boxer without worrying that they will try to mate. The dogs will not mate if the male is neutered.

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No. This is called 'inbreeding' and can be fatal to the guinea pigs, can lead to severe pain for the mother and can cause deformed offspring. Never let guinea pigs mate with their relatives. Ever.

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Try a shelter - they might not be any cheaper than the pet store but you'll know if they have health problems, which gender they are and they could be neutered which would save you some trouble in the future if you end up with different genders of guinea pigs.

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Do never ever put them together! The rabbit will try to mate the guinea pig but apsoluply the only thing he\she das is kill her\him.

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No. Kookaburras will not attack adult guinea pigs. They may try for newborns.

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No. Kookaburras will not attack adult guinea pigs. They may try for newborns.

Do female guinea pigs spray?

No! It is not possible without a male Guinea Pig.

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No you should not feed guinea pigs chips it would be very bad for them. try cucumber they love it :)

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some guinea pigs like rasberrys some dont but you can try it to see if yours does

Are guinea pigs bad luck?

NO guinea pigs are NOT bad luck. Guinea pigs are actually very lucky animals, a lot of people have tried them. Try it your self, buy one today!