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Kittens taken away from their mother early tend to get attached to the human caring for them and will develop behaviours such as kneading, meowing for attention and inability to be left alone. They will lack good toilet manners and will not thrive well as they are no longer feeding off of mum. They tend to get sick easily from weak immune system (mothers milk helps to strengthen this usually). Hunting skills will be poor.

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11y ago

Cats usually don't hurt kittens.

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Will bathing kittens in Ajax hurt them?

Yes! My goodness under NO circumstances should a kitten or cat be washed in harsh chemicals!

Does it hurt to blow dry a kitten?

If the air is too hot, yes. Young kittens will be cleaned by their mother and should not be washed.

Is it ok to pet newborn kittens?

Yes it is ok. Kittens can't get hurt or sick unless your hands are dirty or you drop the kitten. But it would be best not to take it away form its mom for long. The kitten needs to eat the milk the mom provides.

Did you hurt the mom cat by throwing away kitten placentas?

Not really. The mother cat will usually eat the kitten placentas and will, as a result, get back a small amount of the protein she has expended in creating the kittens. But there is nothing special about the placentas, and depriving the mother cat of them will not hurt her.

How does cats hold there baby?

By the nape of the kitten's neck. The nape is a patch of loose skin on the back of the neck; mother cats will bite this and carry the kittens around. (But don't worry, it doesn't hurt the kitten!)

Can you take kittens to a party?

NO YOU CAN'T TAKE A KITTEN TO A PARTY! The kitten will freak out and might run away or get hurt. DON'T TAKE A KITTEN TO A PARTY!!! Let your kitten stay at your house for a while, but the only other place a kitten should go is the vet. Cats don't like to go places. They're not dogs!

How do cats look after kittens?

Mother cats typically groom their kittens to keep them clean, help with their digestion, and bond with them. They also provide warmth and protection by curling around them, and they nurse kittens to provide them with essential nutrients. Overall, mother cats are very attentive and caring toward their kittens, ensuring their well-being and safety.

Do older cats hurt kittens if they're in the same household?

No, usually adult cats will not harm a kitten. They can tell that it's only a baby and they won't hurt it. They might bat at it, or wrestle with it, to display dominance, but they won't injure it.

What to due when a male cat bites a kitten behind the head?

it is normal for a female to bite the back of the kittens neck when they want to move them to a place that they think is safe, but a male? if the male is the kittens father then he may be trying to be like the mother but normally the father doesn't want anything to do with the kittens and if he isn't related to the kittens, then he doesn't like them and is trying to hurt them or even kill them, in some cases.

Can a kitten be brought into a home with a dog?

Yes, kittens can usually be successfully introduced into a home with a dog. It's important to supervise their interactions at first and gradually acclimate them to each other's presence. Providing separate safe spaces for each pet can help reduce stress during the introduction period.

How do you figure out where your cat has its kittens?

Follow it. But don't hurt the kittens or I will track you down :)

I like halal?

maybe, but it could have been a coyote if you left a door open. Question: Has your dog ever tried to hurt the kitten? watch until the dog poops you will find nasty stuff in there It's very possible that the dog could have 'mistaken' the kitten for a chew/play toy & ended up eating it. My old dog really thought kittens were toys & that resulted in a loss of many kittens.