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Q: Will a dog die after eating a dead squirrel if it has been poisoned?
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Can fish die from eating dead fish?

Yes, fish can die from eating dead fish. Dead fish can harbor harmful bacteria, parasites, and toxins that can cause illness or death in other fish that ingest them. It is not recommended to allow fish to eat dead fish in a closed aquarium environment.

If a dog takes a bite of a dead dog that has been poisoned will he get poisoned also?

Possibly, so he should be taken to a vet or animal emergency hospital as soon as possible.

How can you tell if a dead squirrel had been poisoned?

Possums do not play dead. Opossums do. A dead possum will just lie there, and death is obvious. As for an opossum - all its physiological functions slow down to an almost-stopped point, but it should still be slightly warm to the touch.

What does it mean if a squirrel carries a dead squirrel in its mouth?

Squirrels may engage in this behavior to remove the dead squirrel from their territory or to prevent the spread of disease among other squirrels. It could also be a mother squirrel moving her deceased baby.

Is it odd to find a dead squirrel and dead opossum in your yard?

Yes it is

If your dog eats a dead squirrel will it harm the dog?

my dog found a dead squirrel full of maggots I do not think she ate it but the contact was there We grabbed the squirrel discarded it and washed the dog schnauzer thoroughly including her teeth concerned

What does it mean when you find a dead squirrel on your property?

It died there.

What to do with a dead squrriel?

It is generally not a good idea to handle dead animals. They may still have living parasites such as ticks, which may migrate from the dead animal to you. Although if you handle it with a tool such as a shovel, the risk is much less. There is really not much to do with a dead squirrel; it is organic garbage. Get rid of it, or just leave it where it is if you see it on the road. It is possible to stuff a dead squirrel, but you probably have no use for a stuffed squirrel.

If a squirrel is trap in a attic for a week should he be consider dead?

well yes why wouldn't it be dead

What happens when a coyote finds a squirrel?

Depends, it howls and calls others if it finds the squirrel dead. Otherwise, it stalks it to kill it.

Did hitler shoot his self?

Yes. He also poisoned himself to be sure he was dead

How do you know if your six dead chickens were poisoned?

yes, because the saliva of it is dangerous.