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Cats are very seldom castrated; a neutered cat does retain his penis. And a neutered tom will still cover a queen in heat, because his reactions to her scents and actions will still be in place.

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Q: Will a castrated tom cat still go after a female cat on heat?
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Related questions

Is a female cat in heat called a slut?

No, referring to a female cat in heat as a "slut" is inappropriate and disrespectful. It is more accurate to call a female cat in heat simply that - a female cat in heat.

What is a female cat in heat called?

When a female cat is in heat it is called Estrus --This is the name of the cycle. The name of the cat itself is a queen. == ==

Will a female cat mate if she isn't in heat?

A male cat may try to mate with a female cat who is not in heat, but it is unlikely. Mating behaviors can also be displays of dominance.

When can a Tom cat inseminate a female cat?

A tom cat can inseminate a female cat when she is in heat, which typically occurs every 2-3 weeks. The female cat will display behaviors such as vocalizing, rolling on the floor, and increased affection towards the male cat when she is in heat.

Can a nutered cat get it on with a young female cat in heat?

Yes; a recently neutered tom will try to cover a female in heat. He won't be able to impregnate her, but he'll still have the habit patterns and chemical responses that make him try.

What is a castrated male cat called?

A castrated male cat is usually just called a "neutered" or "fixed" male.

What is an Intact male cat?

An intact male cat is a male cat that has not been neutered. This means that the cat has retained his testicles and is capable of reproducing.

Can a female cat in heat mate with a male cat she hates?

Yes if the female cat allows the male cat.

What is male non castrated cat called?

A non castrated male cat is called a tom

Do desexed female cats still go on heat?

No, desexed female cats do not go into heat. Spaying (desexing) involves removing the reproductive organs that are responsible for the heat cycle, so once a female cat is spayed, she will no longer experience heat cycles.

Can a female cat get pregnant if not in heat?

No, a female cat must be in heat in order to become pregnant. This is when she releases eggs for fertilization. If a female cat is not in heat, she cannot get pregnant.

Why does a female cat go into heat after being sprayed by a male cat?

When a female cat is sprayed by a male cat, it can trigger her to go into heat due to the hormonal response of her body. The male cat's scent signals that there is a potential mate nearby, which can stimulate the female cat's reproductive system to prepare for mating.