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Yes it will, so keep the kittens away from any area where there are snakes.

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Q: Will a black snake eat a 2 week old kitten?
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Does a black snake eat acorns?

NO they don't eat acorns

Corn Snake that will not eat?

Give you snake its favorite food. If it still does not want to eat leave it alone until next week. Then try again. If your snake does not eat for over a month, see your vet.

Do black snakes eat rats?

If the black snake is large enough, they can. However, if the rat is too big, it can injure the snake.

How much does a pet snake eat?

depends on the species but uually about once a week.

My pueblan milk snake won't Eat what do i do?

Offer it a favorite food. If it still refuses to eat, wait a week. Then try again. Your snake should eat soon. If your snake still doesn't eat after a month, or is losing a lot of weight, go to you vet.

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An adult Corn Snake will eat a good sized mouse once a week.

Can anything eat the black mamba snake?

maybe there is an eagle maybe

How do you eat a kitten?

Why would you eat a kitten any way? Are you a nutso person kittens are cute and cuddley and that would be evil to eat a kitten.

What do you do when theres a big black snake around your house?

Forget about him. Black snakes are harmless and they eat mice.

How do you know if food is too big for a snake?

If the snake can't or won't eat the food. Snakes have the natural capability of unhinging their jaws in order to eat large prey, so unless the snake refuses to eat the food, then they'll probably be fine.

Why wont your kitten eat kitten chow?

Maybe they don't want it or there not ready to eat it.

Will a peacock eat a kitten?

yes a large peacock will eat a small kitten or animal.