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A ferret that has not yet established its normal place(s) for "using the restroom" will go many places. Normally a ferret seeks a corner or edge of a wall to go. If you want to speed up litter box training, be certain to clean up all the messes as soon as possible. Just leave a small bit of a mess in the litter box that you are using and they will learn to go there.

Yes, if the ferret is not trained properly, just like any cat or dog. Ferrets have a very short digestive system, and will go about every 3 to 4 hours, and unlike a cat or dog, they can't hold it, when they have to go it's immediate. Start in the cage with a litter box and in another corner with food (they will keep that area for food only). A ferret will need to relieve itself when they first wake up. wait until fully he is fully awake to let out of it's cage. Watch for the ferret backing into the corner, he is ready to relieve himself, you need to quickly place him into the litter box, and if successful, reward with a treat. Never hit a ferret for undesirable behavior. But ferrets can be trained successfully to use a litter box. I have two ferrets and yes, they will pee and poop all over the place. You can litter train ferrets but it's hard to do. They will always prefer to pee and poop in a corner somewhere, or under a bed, behind a desk, etc. Their pee has such a strong ammonia smell so when they do pee and poop all over the house it's hard to get the smell out.

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How can you keep a ferret cool?

Keep the ferrets cage away from direct sunlightMake sure the ferret has a dish of water at all timesPlace a damp towel on top of the ferrets cageHave a fan in the room (Not aimed directly at the ferrets cage and place it somewhere the ferret cannot reach it)Freeze a bottle of water, wrap it in a blanket or towel and place it in the cage (they ferrets will lie beside it to cool down)Have a dish of water large enough for the ferret to get into so he/she can cool off it itMake sure the ferret has somewhere shaded to get out of the heat

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A ferret, like all mammals have a four chambered heart.

All over the place?

10 letter word for all over the place

Do rats urinate and if they do why?

All mammals urinate because it rids the body of toxins and waste products.

Is it all right to use a ferret cage for a rat?

Only if the rat is smaller than the ferret or close to the same size.

What is a shelter for a ferret?

Like dog shelters, it is a place where they take care of abandoned/unwanted ferrets that people left..Many of these shelters are run by individuals or families who have to pay out of their own pockets to care for the ferrets. Adopting a ferret from a ferret shelter is a great way to give wonderful ferrets a loving home. They usually have ferrets in all age groups and colors

Do Ferret have tails?

Yes, all ferrets have tails.

When was Live All Over the Place created?

Live All Over the Place was created on 2004-11-02.