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Guinea pigs are known to be very shy, so you have to prove to the guinea pig that you are gentle by simply approaching your guinea pig slowly and calmly and then eventually pet or pick him/her up. You can also find ways to tame your guinea pig, either with food or a treat. Try to do anything to make it feel safe. You can simply be dealing with a guinea pig that is nervous, or you are dealing with something that is very common and normal for your guinea pig.

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Q: Why would your guinea pig run away every time you touch her?
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Why your guinea pig keep on squeaking and running away every time you touch her?

it could be that ur guinea pig is pregnant when there pregnant they dont like to be touched

When adult guinea pigs have baby guinea pigs do you touch them straight away?

No, you should not touch them right away. Wait for a few days (a week or so) and let them get use to their cage and their parents. Then pick them up.

When can you touch guinea pigs after brith?

you can touch the newborn after the mother has cleaned it. don't pick it up or take it away from its mother for about 24 hours and after that never keep it more than a few minutes away from the mom.

If you hold a mother guinea pig a lot would the babies die?

maybe the babies will die but if you don't touch the female's tummy then you will be fine. Don't forget you have to keep away from person that u don't trust and remember if your guinea pig is pregnant it has to have a dot on their tummy

If you touch a penguin what would they do?

they probably would move away and stay away and your hand would get all slimy

What do you do if your guinea pig eat a cookie?

if it eats everything as in like every food don't feed him/her every food and make him/her stay away eats everything as in everything in its cage it just likes to chew on things and if its food that's bad for it take it away

Are guinea fowl smart?

I think my guinea is really smart. There is a dog a few houses down and I watched it. The guinea would stay the same distance away from the dog as the dog moved.

Can you touch the guinea pigs after being born or will the mother react?

Yes, you can touch the young but only after the mother is done giving birth, I advise you to wait at least an hour after the birth and never take the mom or babies away from eachother.

What happens when a guinea pig is cool to the touch?

If your guinea pig is that cold, that is definitely not a good sign. The temperature should be about 64oF - 72oF. No lower or higher. Or if your guinea pig is not moving either, it could have passed away. When an animal dies, the blood stops moving, therefore the blood temperature severely drops.

Do you say keep in touch or stay in touch?

I keep in touch with my friends. If one of the my friends was going away, I would want to stay in touch with themKeep in touch = contact. Stay in touch = remain in contact.

Is it an instinctual behavior for a guinea pig to run away from you?

If a guinea pig runs away from you, it is really nothing personal. Since guinea pigs are originall from the wild, they have a habit of running away for their own self-protecting.

Do guinea fowl keep foxes away?

Totally the opposite! Foxes prey on guinea fowl. Try to keep them away.