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Go to your Vet as soon as possible because the cause of her incontinence could range from loss of bladder muscle control to serious kidney diseases or Diabetes. All of which can be helped with special care instruction, medications, diet, and regular monitoring with blood tests provided by the veterinarian. Have them do at least a complete blood count, blood serum analysis, and a complete urinalysis to check for any problems that may be present.

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Q: Why would your 12 year old female dog be losing control of her bladder all of a sudden and there is a LOT of urine?
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What are the symptoms of an overactive bladder?

Some symptoms of an overactive bladder can include: a sudden urge to urinate which is difficult to control and urinating frequently (usually more than 8 times in a single day).

What causes an unhealthy coat and sudden weak bladder in a female dog?

Illness and worms can cause this. If she is an older dog,this can simply be a sign of aging. It sounds like you want to speak to a vet.

What are over active bladder symptoms?

There are numerous symptoms for an over active bladder. These symptoms can include a sudden urge to urinate that is hard to control, having to urinate over eight times in a single day, or even waking up multiple times during the night to urinate.

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An overactive bladder in women can have a few symptoms. The first is a sudden urge to urinate. Secondly, it can be associated with above average frequency of urination. Lastly, it can cause nighttime urination.

How would I explain to a pregnant woman why she may develop incontinance?

Tell get the baby may be pushing on her bladder thus making her unable to hold as much urine as usual. Sneezing, coughing and other sudden movements may cause leakage. As baby grows and takes up more room she may lose all bladder control.

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A few symptoms of weak bladder syndrome are urinating too often and having sudden urges to urinate. In addition, people may experience frequent urinating during the night.

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usually sudden change in heart my own experiences

What is the connection my uncle has been diagnosed with Parkinson's and ever since then I have noticed that he has lost control over his bladder?

Sometime mental illness like Parkinson's can cause urinary incontinence, in which you do not recognize the need to urinate or defecate or fail to respond to the signals.Urinary symptoms are not uncommon in Parkinson's disease. They include increased frequency of urination, urgency (which means strong, sudden urges to urinate), and incontinence which is because of uninhibited bladder contractions which are involuntary and strong. The treatment depends on the results of bladder studies for which you need to see your Doctor.

Strategies to Manage an Overactive Bladder ?

An overactive bladder is a medical condition characterized by the involuntary and sudden contraction of the urinary bladder muscles. The contractions cause a relentless need to urinate throughout the day and night. The contractions occur regardless of whether your bladder is filling. Contractions can cause urinary incontinence if they are triggered when your bladder is full. There are several ways to control your bladder and eliminate the inconvenience and distress of this disorder. Kegel exercises are an excellent method for controlling an overactive bladder. These exercises strengthen the muscles that control urination. You can discretely perform these exercises as you sit at your desk or recline on your bed. Physicians usually recommend that you supplement these exercises with a regimen designed to retrain your bladder. The purpose of this regimen is to resist the urge to urinate in response to the contractions. You will use scheduled voiding to limit your trips to the bathroom to specific times. This systematic reconditioning of your mind will help you reestablish control of your bladder. Over time, the contractions will diminish or resolve completely. In addition to Kegel and mind-bladder reconditioning exercises, your physician can explore the underlying reason for frequent urination and an overactive bladder. There may be other issues if you urinate more than eight times in a single day. A thorough physical and review of your current medications can eliminate potential risk factors that interfere with normal bladder function. Your physician can prescribe medication to manage overactive bladder issues. If you prefer natural remedies, you can try herbs with a reputation for alleviating this problem. Cayenne can lower the sensitivity of the nerves in your bladder. It can also moderate the force and the incidence of contractions. Chamomile, ginger root and peach bark reduce infections that make your bladder hyperactive. There is a potential for interactions between prescription medications and herbal remedies. Consult your physician if you are taking more than one prescription medication or are taking herbal remedies for an overactive bladder or another medical condition.

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