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if there heat would stop beating

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Q: Why would rabbits die of heartbreak?
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Related questions

When was More Die of Heartbreak created?

More Die of Heartbreak was created in 1987.

When was Still They Die of Heartbreak created?

"Still They Die of Heartbreak" was written by Roger Law in 1997 as part of his book "Still Though They Die of Heartbreak." The book examines political satire and British humor in relation to Law's famous puppet show "Spitting Image."

How do ecosystems fallapart?

If one of the species in the ecosystem overpopulates or is over-hunted, it causes a ripple effect. For example, if foxes stopped being hunted, they would overpopulate, which would lead to a decline in the rabbit population. Then, the rabbits would be over-hunted, and the foxes would die out and the rabbits would overpopulate. They would eat all of the vegetation, and it would die out. Then the rabbits would die. Then the foxes would die.

How did the maiden die in qu'appelle?

the maiden died of heartbreak

Would rabbits explode if they did not go to the bathroom?

No. They would become sick and eventually die.

Does a rabbit eat producers?

YES, BECAUSE IF rabbits would not eat they would die.

How many people suffer heartbreak each year?

Many. Some loved ones die and stuff I would say about 93%

Where is the Heartbreak Hotel located?

There are quite a few Heartbreak Hotels in the world. However, the Heartbreak Hotel in Tennessee would be the most notorious location due to the relation with Elvis Presley.

How are rabbits important?

They keep the ecosystem in check. They balance it out. Without them there would be no environmental equilibrium. For example, if there were no rabbits then their original predators would have no food and they would die out and soon the prey of the rabbits would increase and if the prey increase they would eat out all the food and run out and go extinct.

Can rabbits die from lettuce?

No, rabbits eat lots of vegetables.

What would cause an entire nest of wild rabbits to die at the same time?

Mother died.

What could possibly happen to the rabbits lungs over time if they were moved to the mountains?

It depends on the elevation. If the rabbits were high on a mountain, the lungs would either slowly get stronger (I'm not sure if this would happen in a single generation or over maany years) or the rabbits would weaken and die.