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It just depends on if you leave it alone or mess with the cat.

If you mess with it than most likely it will attack you if you do the following actions:

  • Kick
  • Pick it up by it's tail and throw it
  • Try to break a bone and think it's funny

Now if you leave it alone most likely it will leave you alone and just walk away.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yes it is. The male cat is marking its territory.

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13y ago

The fact that the cat being attacked is female may not be the variable. Cats will attack each other over territory.

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14y ago

Perhaps it thinks your not watching ...

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Q: Why would cause a cat to attack you at night?
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Attack Cat was created in 2008.

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A cat extends its body as part of the attack.

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No. It would only cause more pain to the cat.

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Yes, most big cats will kill smaller species of cat.

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Once you cat is in for the night, block the cat door.