Derrrrr, because they can't use their hands!!! #2 answ: If she is rejecting it, she will not feed it, push it away from her or kill it. If she is carrying it around, she may be looking for a safe quiet place.
You mean why is MY dog carrying the puppy, well she needs to carry the puppy around to protect it b/c IT is a mother by the way.
maybe the pups might fight or maybe the one out wants to play.
She is homosexual.
may be it has problems.
That's her way of disciplining them.
definitely yes because the females pups will be in danger
someone anser it plese
A mother dog may not feed some of her pups due to illness, stress, or lack of milk production. In some cases, a mother may reject certain pups if she senses a health issue or deformity. It's important to monitor the situation closely and consult a vet if any pups are not feeding well.
are you insane???? Hahahahahahah!!! No!! The dog would die :(
Puppies are 3 days old...
She keeps moving them because she thinks where they are is not safe for them .
Because her pups are everywhere you can think of. Would you be stressed if you had seven to eight kids at one time. And wouldn't they be annoying and be everywhere.
the pup will die.