A Dutch Shepard is a large hearding dog. Like any large dog if they find their territory comprimised by another they can and will defend that area. It is possible that the small dog encroched in to its "area" and the larger dog attacked.
Germanshepherd would kill and tear into pieces of a dalmation
"Kill" is Dutch for stream or small river. You see it all over names in the Hudson Valley Region of New York State due to our Dutch founders.
doden means kill in Dutch language. It is defined as an act of killing.
Yes. if it was more mad than ever before it could kill a wolf but, it would be a challenge
Yes, a Shepherd could kill one in two seconds easily.
Kill is dutch word for stream. Much of New York originally settled by dutch, a lot of streams....therefore a lot of towns ending in kill
how dont you
would a cricket kill a small roach
Unless you want to pay to get the dog professional attack training (which I don't suggest) then there is really no way to make a german shepherd kill a robber. But I do know that they make excellent natural guard dogs. If a german shepherd knows and loves you then they will fight for you with there life if the situation arises, one of the reasons the police use them so much. Although, just by having a german shepherd in your house would be enough to keep robbers away.
The purebred german shepherd is stronger. because he is used by military and he is the most loyal breed of world he can kill a indian lion. one day a police purebred german shepherd save me from my pitbull. my pit bull wants to kill me. first he kill my mom and now he wants to kill me . but purebred german shepherd of police save my life.
It goes back to the Dutch roots that are firmly planted in the Hudson Valley Region. "Kill" is Dutch for "stream or small river". Beaverkill -- A stream where the beaver are. Fishkill -- A stream where there are fish Peekskill -- Jan Peek founded the city....near a tributary that flows into the Hudson River at that location.
It is possible for a German Shepherd to kill a wolf, although it would likely depend on the specific circumstances such as the size and strength of the animals, the element of surprise, and the level of aggression from both animals. Wolves are generally larger and more adapted to hunting than domestic dogs, but individual factors can play a significant role in any confrontation.