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because thay just are because thay just are

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14y ago

Because they are always getting killed. kv. Andri Freyr

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14y ago

Whales go extinct because humans hunt whales for food and other uses.

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14y ago

Whales are going to extinction because they are being killed/hunted to extinction and oil spills kill some whales.

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Q: Why will whales go extinct?
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Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) aren't extinct.

When did blue whales go extinct?

They haven't.

How can human help blue whales become extinct?

Are you sure this is the right question you wanted to ask? Human to help Blue Whales go extinct? Or to prevent them from being extinct?

Why are whales extinct?

Whales aren't extinct yet.

When are humpback whales going to be extinct?

Nobody is sure yet we don't even no if they will go extinct.

Are blue whales the only whales that will become extinct?

No, Beluga Whales, and Killer (Humpback) Whales might become extinct.

Why will whales be extinct?

If we humans keep hunting and killing the whales then they will be come extinct.

Are whales extinct?

no whale not extinct

Why is it important to protect whales and seals?

because if we do not protect them they will eventually go extinct

What will happen if you dont stop hunting whales?

well then eventually the whales would go extinct and they will be a thing of stories to our grandchildren and farther. to them whales will be like dinosaurs are to us.

What will be the consequences ecologically if whales become extinct?

If whales become extinct we will loose alot of oil because whales hold 70 barrals of oil in them!

Are any whales extinct?
